Hey, there's a poll down there! Take it!

Note: There is a blurb on the contest in the message box!

First comic Previous comic Stuff Lauran likes Art by Lauran and some friends -- as well as fan art! The Forum.  Go here and talk with other fans and the comic's 			creator! The Store.  Some Ezailia Related stuff, some not. The stuff that doesn't quite fit anywhere else... Vote for me on the Top 150 Comic sites, damnit!

Vote for Turbocool in the KeenSpace Top 99!
You know you want to.

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More Crap!

Yes, two weeks have gone by, and there is no new Ezailia -- ,y paycheck sucks too much to get the internet, really. I don't want to call it quits, so I won't. I'll start updatng again, but it will be sporadic to say the least. Well, I'll see you guys soon with some new comics soon, ok?


-- Lauran Parise.
Vote for me in KeenSpace Top 99
Vote for me in the KS list-o-rama!

Friends of Ezailia:
Chucko Liang
The Adventures of Ronnie                                                        Raccoon
Link to us with these buttons!
Jillas, treasure hunter and ladies man Sean, spell-slinger and thief in one package
Aurora, mischevious and wicked Elementalist Farran, hedonistic and cruel Sorceress
Angela, bounty hunter for hire